Mass Customization ( )
Mass Customizable Housing (MCH) is a program designed to democratically and interactively engage the ordinary end users in the process of making one’s ideal house. Each house is customized to fit individual family’s life style; each housing community is collectively planned and tailored to the need of co-op residents. It is a challenge to the currently accepted social code – only those with enough resources can afford to have architect designed (customized) dwellings, while the majorities have their individual life styles defied by homogeneous collective housing. It also aims to bring a revolution to industries related to housing constructions.
Mass Customization ( )
Mass Customizable Housing (MCH) is a program designed to democratically and interactively engage the ordinary end users in the process of making one’s ideal house. Each house is customized to fit individual family’s life style; each housing community is collectively planned and tailored to the need of co-op residents. It is a challenge to the currently accepted social code – only those with enough resources can afford to have architect designed (customized) dwellings, while the majorities have their individual life styles defied by homogeneous collective housing. It also aims to bring a revolution to industries related to housing constructions.